Manned Security Service
This case study focuses on a data enrichment campaign that River ran for a security firm that wanted to cleanse their old newsletter database and re-obtain subscriber consent.
Data Enrichment Case Study

Want to learn more about our campaigns? Visit our Data Enrichment page to find out more!
The Challenge
After running a lead generation campaign to promote this client’s manned security service just after the first lockdown here in the UK, they approached us again for a data cleansing and enrichment campaign to help them get their newsletter back up and running.
The client had previously run a newsletter in 2018 focusing on industry news and the developments in video surveillance, access management and control, biometric security, and more.
They wanted to relaunch this newsletter and still had a previous database of subscribers that they wanted to use, so they came to us to cleanse the database to ensure that it was accurate and compliant with data protection laws.
The Project
The client had a list of 1,323 contacts who had previously been subscribed to their newsletters, and our team were tasked with getting in touch with each contact to let them know about the relaunch, finding out whether they would still like to receive the newsletter, and confirm whether the contact details on file are still correct or require amendments.
The campaign was run 2 days per week over 10 weeks with a target of updating/confirming 65 records per day.
The Results
By the end of the campaign, our team had fully completed the cleanse with a grand total of 962 contacts wanting to opt back in to receive the newsletter – 98 said it would no longer be relevant to them, 151 no longer had an interest and 112 contacts were longer at the companies listed on the record.
The client was able to relaunch its newsletter in October 2020 and has since been consistently sending it out each month, and have reported that they have received an influx in enquiries and leads from the contacts on the database since its relaunch.

962 confirmed subscriber opt-ins

70% subscriber opt-in rate

361 irrelevant/no longer interested contacts removed