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5 Interesting B2B Telemarketing Statistics

Updated: Jun 6, 2022

group of telemarketers on the phone giving their pitch to prospects

#1 - 57% of C-suite decision-makers prefer that salespeople call them rather than using other methods.

Reaching high-level decision-makers, particularly C-Suite level decision-makers in large corporations, is one of the biggest challenges that you can face as a telemarketer.

C-level executives’ schedules are usually packed, which is often why some marketers and salespeople decide to take what they think is the more convenient approach of sending an email instead of calling on the initial interaction.

What’s interesting is that 57% of C-suite level decision-makers prefer that salespeople call them rather than using other methods of communication such as email.

High-level decision-makers arguably receive more sales emails than sales calls in an average day, so it’s no surprise that the method that provides a more personal touch where questions can be answered instantaneously, is preferred over other less engaging methods.

Next time you’re thinking of ‘just sending an email’ to a C-suite level decision-maker to be courteous, do the prospect and yourself a favour, and pick up the phone!

two telemarketers holding up phone doing deal

#2 - Nurtured leads produce 20% more sales opportunities in comparison to non-nurtured leads.

Taking the time to nurture your leads can make a serious difference to your conversion rate.

Although the majority of businesses do take the time to build a relationship with their prospects and nurture their opportunities, others see it as a time-consuming aspect that can slow down the customer acquisition process.

Taking the time to build and nurture your relationships rather than trying to rush the prospect through the sales process doesn’t just increase your conversion rate, but can also help with customer retention too.

If you put yourself in the prospect’s shoes, which company are you more likely to continue to do business with: a company that rushed you to make a decision, didn’t provide as much value, and focused only on getting you over the line? or a company that made sure you had all the information you needed to make your decision, spent time tailoring the interactions based on your needs, and maintained that same level of engagement and attentiveness even once a deal had been agreed?

Nurtured lead standing out from the rest

#3 - 82% of decision-makers accept meetings when telemarketers reach out to them.

Meetings are a vital part of the customer acquisition process, allowing you to deliver valuable information to the prospect and gather valuable information from the prospect, while building rapport and a foundation of trust.

This year, despite the pandemic putting a stop to the vast majority of face-to-face interactions that businesses have with their potential customers, through apps like Zoom, Skype, and Microsoft Teams, businesses have still been able to have similar interactions with their prospects, and even increase convenience too.

This statistics that 82% of decision-makers accept meetings when salespeople reach out, was researched before the pandemic. With the ease of use of video conferencing, that has seen a massive surge across the globe since the first lockdowns, this percentage may now be even higher, with buyers finding it more convenient to have meetings with sellers.

meeting with two salespeople talking with each other

#4 - Almost 20% of databases contain outdated information.

When databases aren’t properly managed and kept up to date, they can contain incorrect contact information which can be a big drain on your telemarketing efficiency and effectiveness.

If you have the wrong name, email address, or phone number you could end up wasting a lot of time trying to research and amend your records.

With this statistic in mind, this shows that one-fifth of databases are not properly managed and kept up to date and are having a massive impact on the telemarketing success of the relevant businesses.

Aside from the impact to efficiency, not properly managing database could affect your data protection compliance and land you in hot water with organisations such as the ICO.

​Making use of a well-structured CRM system helps to keep track of your interactions with your prospects, keep database records up-to-date, and appropriately deal with actions such as GDPR removal requests.

outdated information

#5 - Over 50% of leads never get a follow-up call from salespeople.

According to this statistic, over 50% of leads never get a follow-up call from salespeople.

This statistic could be looked at in two different ways.

One perspective shows that this is an issue to be addressed within the Sales department of business, while the other shows that this could be an issue within the Marketing department.

On the Sales side of things, this could just be mismanagement of leads or neglecting some leads to focus on others. Linking back to a previous point, keep track of all of your leads in a CRM system helps to ensure that you are nurturing all of your leads at the optimal times and that you don’t neglect and ultimately lose sales opportunities.

From the Marketing perspective, the issue could lie in the targeting and lead qualification process. If there is miscommunication between the Marketing & Sales teams within a business, the Marketing team may not have a clear understanding of the quality of leads that the Sales team is looking for, leading to unqualified leads being handed over, which would be a waste of time and resources to follow-up on.

Wherever the issue lies, if over half of the generated leads are not being followed-up, it needs addressing fast before the business loses out on any more sales opportunities, or waste any more of their time and/or marketing budget.

If the Sales & Marketing departments of your business are working together and running like a well-oiled machine, your telemarketing strategy will prosper.

sales and marketing working together



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